
In the past 10 years, the SPCA has helped over 2,000 abused animals. Many of them were abused by people who knew them prior, some of whom were even owners or persons in charge.

Even if the abused animal is rescued, it still has to face a long wait.

are not made in A Day

7000 hours


A journey of rebirth spanning over 7,000 hours

It is estimated that Mira was trapped in a dirty home with no food or water for 3-4 months and was eventually rescued by the SPCA Inspectors.


10000 hours


A journey of rebirth spanning over 10,000 hours

Tofu, who loves doing his happy dance these days, had a rough childhood at the "Dog Farm Hell"


11000 hours


A journey of rebirth spanning over 11,000 hours

At the time of rescue, Jewel was emaciated, weak and suffered from muscle atrophy as well as serious skin disease. Check out Jewel’s story from being fostered to adopted.


12000 hours

Wong Jai

A journey of rebirth spanning over 12,000 hours

Wong Jai the cat was abused and subsequently rescued from “Dog Farm Hell”. His new owner adopted him without meeting him first.


18000 hours

Tau Si

A journey of rebirth spanning over 18,000 hours

How was Tau Si able to recover after taking psychiatric medications for up to 2 years?


30000 hours

Wu Tsui

Wu Tsui has been waiting 30,000 hours


Priceless Support

What does $3 mean to you?

We need more than $1,000,000 of resources for just one major cruelty case in order to rescue, cure and take care of the abused

To meet the needs of a single major case,
we need more than 1,000 animal lovers
who are willing to donate $3 every day for 1 year

Will you consider being one of such monthly donors whose support is critical to abused or abandoned animals?

Support "Animal Sponsorship Programme" NOW

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